We bring a innovative new approach to the recruiting world by providing a platform which hosts a screening system where industry experts interview and rate candidates for the reqisite job positions.
As Employers - you post your jobs, select experts from our list of SME's who have signed up on the site, and then select/ invite candidates you want interviewed. Our system helps schedule the interviews, provides a 3-way video conferencing for the expert, candidate, and yourself/ or your company representative to join in. The experts then provide rating and feedback for the interviewed candidtaes, thus supplementing your recruiting teams and hiring managers.
As Experts - you create your profile on the system, and make yourself available to network, and interview chosen candidates. Use this as a networking tool, or something to give back to the professional community -while earning money!
As Candidates - this platform helps you create dynamic resumes/ profiles which you can share with potential employers.
As recruiters, register with us to use this tool to give your candidates an edge over the others. Helps you present the best candidates for your client -thus proving yourself a notch apart.
We look forward to working with you -and building this community, network and keep enhancing the platform.